The enzyme possessed an isoelectric point of 3 1 and was able to

The enzyme possessed an isoelectric point of 3.1 and was able to oxidize the common laccase substrate 2,2′-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic

Napabucasin inhibitor acid) (ABTS) at a pH of 2.0, whereas the enzyme was still able to oxidize ABTS and 2,6-dimethoxyphenol (DMP) at pH 6.0. Lcc1 exhibited low K (m) values of 8 mu M (ABTS) and 80 mu M (DMP) and remarkable catalytic efficiency towards the non-phenolic substrate ABTS of 37,437 k (cat)/k (m) (s(-1) mM(-1)). The laccase showed a high stability towards high concentrations of various metal ions, EDTA and surfactants indicating a considerable biotechnological potential. Furthermore, Lcc1 exhibited an increased activity as well as a striking boost of stability in the presence of surfactants. Degenerated primers were deduced from peptide fragments. The complete coding sequence of lcc1 was determined to 1,551 bp and confirmed via amplification of the 2,214 bp genomic sequence which included 12 introns. The deduced 516 amino acid (aa) sequence of the lcc1 gene shared 82% identity and 90% similarity with a laccase from

Vorinostat purchase Rigidoporus microporus. The sequence data may aid theoretical studies and enzyme engineering efforts to create laccases with an improved stability towards metal ions and bipolar compounds.”
“The segregation energies of a range of fission products in UO2 to a Sigma 5 symmetric tilt grain boundary have been calculated using empirical potentials and their dependency on site, charge, and ionic radius has been determined. Density functional

theory calculations provide information about the detailed bonding environment around the segregates. While most of the fission products prefer to reside in sites with large free volume, there are some that form strong bonds with neighboring oxygen ions, and thus prefer sites with high oxygen coordination. CX-6258 manufacturer This result provides insight into nuclear fuel design to enhance control of fission product retention. (C) 2013 American Institute of Physics. []“
“AimThe aim of this study was to verify if the three-dimensional implant position in fresh alveolar socket may influence the maintenance of stable gingival margins around single premolar restorations with immediate implant placement.\n\nMethodsAfter 16weeks of healing, implants were loaded with single crowns. Documentation consisted in peri-apical radiographs taken: before treatment; at the time of implant placement; at the time of prosthetic rehabilitation and 12months after the start of prosthetic function. Parameters assessed were: the presence/absence of inter-proximal papilla; the inter-implant-tooth distance (ITD); the distance from the base of the crown contact-point to the inter-dental bone crest (CPB); and the buccal-gingival tissue modifications.

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